Sport and Mental Health
XV OLYMPIC FORUM – 21st and 22nd of November
The fifteenth edition of the Olympic Forum – Romà Cuyàs Memorial aims to focus on the benefits that sport brings to mental health but also on the problems that competition and top-level sport entail.

Tuesday 21 November
Museu Olímpic i de l'Esport JA Samaranch
5pm |
Wellcome David Escudé, President Barcelona Olympic Foundation President Alejandro Blanco, President Spanish Olympic Comittee |
5.40pm |
Presentation Sergio Garrote, Paralympic Champion Tokyo 2020 Elite Sportman |
6.15pm |
Coffee break |
6.35pm |
Round Table Elite atlhetes and Mental Health Jordi Sans, 5 times olympic swimmer (waterpolo), Atlanta'96 olympic champion and Barcelona'92 silver medal. Iris Tió, membrer of the 2023 World Champion Artistic Swimming Technical Team. Bronze medal in Solo Technical. Almudena Cid, ex-gymnast and actress. Gervasio Deferr, ex-gimnast, two-times Olympic Champion (vault) and Olympic silver medal (floor). Paloma del Río (Moderator) |
7.40pm |
Closing session Francesc Terrón, Director Barcelona Olympic Foundation |
Wednesday 22 de November
INEFC Barcelona
10am |
Documentary: El viaje. La medalla de la salud mental Thanks to the collaboration of Blanca Foundation |
11.20am |
Presentation Paula Fernández Ochoa, Consultant & Speaker in high-competition environments |
11.55am |
Coffee break |
12.15pm |
Round Table Associations Raúl Chapado, President Real Federación Española de Atletismo. May Peus, President Real Federación Española de Deportes de Invierno. Isabel Pérez, General Secretary Unió Federacions Esportives Catalana (UFEC). Lucía Jiménez, Coordinator of departament of attention to the athlete of Bepro Foundation. Mireia Vicente (Moderator) |
1.15pm |
Presentation Susana Regüela, Head of Unit for Career Support, Centre d'Alt Rendiment Josep Lluís Vilaseca of Sant Cugat |
1.50pm |
Pause |
Museu Olímpic i de l'Esport JA Samaranch
5pm |
Round Table Team Management Eusebio Unzué, General Manager of Movistar Team. Alex Roca, athlete. Barcelona FC Foundation ambassador Mar Rovira, Chief physician of the Mental Health Department of RCD Espanyol de Barcelona. Gerard Raventós, Basketball players' Manager in YourFirst Jordi Fandiño (moderator) |
6.10pm |
Coffee break |
6.30pm |
Presentation Jordi Soler Cantalosella, General Manager of LVP (profesional league of video games) Team Management |
7.10pm |
Presentation Xesco Espar, expert in sport high performance Team Management |
7.45pm |
Closing Ceremony David Escudé, President Barcelona Olímpic Foundation |
Organizing committee



History of the Forums
The Olympic Forum is an activity organized by Fundació Barcelona Olimpica created as a meeting and discussing point around some topics related with the practise and management of sports.
We destine the Olympic Forum to the professionals of the physical education, managers of sporting entities, clubs and federations. In general, people who are interested in changes in the sports and disciplines to define the future of sport practice.
- 1st Olympic Forum (November 1995) “Olympic Forum”
- 2nd Olympic Forum (Novembre 1997) “Olympic Sport”
- 3rd Olympic Forum (November 1999) “Sport and Women”
- 4th Olympic Forum (November 2001) “Adapted Sport”
- 5th Olympic Forum (November 2003) “Doping in sport”
- 6th Olympic Forum (November 2005) “School sports”
- 7th Olympic Forum (November 2007) “Sport and the Environment”
- 8th Olympic Forum (November 2009) “Sport & Immigration”
- 9th Olympic Forum (November 2011) “Sport & Health”
- 10th Olympic Forum (17 - 18 October 2013) “Sport & Economics: Future Models”
- 11th Olympic Forum (15 - 16 October 2015) “New Technologies & Sport”
- 12th Olympic Forum (26 - 27 October 2017) “25th Anniversary of Barcelona ’92”
- XIII Fórum Olímpico (15 y 16 de octubre 2019) "El impacto de los deportes y las disciplinas emergentes en un mundo global"