Throughout history, and since the beginning of regulated sport as recreation, the city of Barcelona has witnessed the birth of a large number of sports clubs. Many of these are still in operation today. They are organisations that promote sport in a range of disiciplines at their facilities.
The Barcelona Olympic Foundation wishes to recognise the existence of all the clubs and organisations that allow for the practice of sports in the city. As such, it has developed a programme of activities, among which one of the highlights is an annual monographic exhibition on a centenary club from Barcelona. The exhibition, composed mainly of photography, brings together various pieces of information related to the club: its founding year, sports practised or competitions held.
The centenary club exhibition’s educational programme aims to offer input about the exhibition to visiting schools and families, so that they can relate the content with the schools programme.
- Learn about the range of existing clubs in the city.
- Learn about the range of sports that can be practised in the city.
- Learn about the history of sports practice in the city.