Xavier Amador, Esports Internacionals Relationships director, and Franco Ascani, president of the FICTS, were the persons who gave the Àmfora Ciutat de Barcelona to the best film in the 6th edition of the BCN Sports Film Festival to ‘VALLEY UPRISING’, a documentary by Nick Rosen and Peter Mortimer. A production by Zachary Barr. The greatest untold story of American counter-culture is that of the Yosemite Valley rock climbers. For fifty years, Yosemite’s massive cliffs have drawn explorers and madmen to leave materialism behind and venture into the high, lonesome granite.

Tribute to Nelson Mandela. The Olympic Museum opens the Mandela-AWEPA space.

Maite Fandos, present of the Fundació Barcelona Olímpica; Miet Smet, president of AWEPA Europe, and Josep Maldonado, President of AWEPA Spain, were given the honour of formally opening the Mandela – AWEPA Space of the Olympic Museum. Maria Teresa Samaranch, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation, Albert Batlle, Director-General of the Mossos d’Esquadra police force; Enric Truñó, Executive Councillor for Sport during the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games; Joan Anton Camuñas, former Secretary-General for Sport, and representatives of Barcelona’s consular corps, were among the leading dignitaries who chose to attend the event in recognition of the lifetime achievement of Nelson Mandela.

50th anniversary of the ’64 Olympics

The Barcelona Olympic Foundation decided to pay homage on the 50th anniversary to the Olympic Games held in Tokyo and Innsbruck in 1964.

9th Olympic Museum Network General Assembly

The International Meeting of World Olympic Museums is organized annually by the Olympic Museum of Lausanne, in an effort to generate synergies among the various Olympic Museums throughout the world that are members of the Olympic Museum Network, under the sponsorship of the IOC.

Olympic Day

On 23 June, Olympic Day is celebrated all around the world: hundreds of thousands of people – young and old – participate in sports activities, such as runs, exhibitions, music and educational seminars. Over the last two decades, the event has helped to spread the Olympic ideals to every corner of the world.

The BCN Sports FilmFestival has already begun. Maite Fandos, the president of “Fundació Barcelona Olímpica” has been the responsible to present the international sport film and television festival in Barcelona

The opening ceremony was attended by characters from the sport sector, politics and cinema. They could enjoy a short preview of the schedule. This schedule will be in the two official venues -Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch and Sala Àmbit Cultural of El Corte Inglés – Portal de l’Angel -, until Saturday. 72 audiovisual related to sport. All the sessions have free access.

Xavier Trias, Mayor of Barcelona, acknowledged Josep Lluís Vilaseca and Romà Cuyàs, members of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation Board with the Gold Medal for sports merit from the City of Barcelona for their contribution to the “collective success” of the 92 Olympic Games.


Nuestro más sentido pésame. Nelson Mandela muere a los 95 años.

Mandela fue un héroe en su país y un referente para el mundo. Supo ver el poder del deporte y cambió la competitividad por la unidad.

The European Parlamentarians with Africa (AWEPA) association of consuls and representatives in African countries has met to establish the cooperation initiatives and objectives for development in Africa

Senator Josep Maldonado, the President of the AWEPA, together with Juli Pernas, Director of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation, were given the task of welcoming them to the Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sport Museum.


Olympic medal-winners Ona Carbonell and Joel González will be the ambassadors of the 4th Oxfam Intermón Trailwalker event

Athletes Joel Gonzalez and Ona Carbonell, alongside Francesc Mateu, the Oxfam Intermón Director in Catalonia, and Juli Pernas, Director of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation, were at the Olympic and Sport Museum to present this 4th edition of Trailwalker, the charitable project promoted by Intermón Oxfam.