‘Over a hundred years of sport in Mataró: 1802–1950’ by Santi Carreras i Suris is now part of the documentary archive of the J. A. Samaranch Centre for Olympic and Sports Studies

Santi Carreras (Mataró 1958) began his career as a journalist at the sports magazine Iluro Sport. His work has ranged over sport in many places, but he has always taken a special interest in that of his native city, Mataró. His labour of love has led to this first volume, which covers over 150 years of sport, recording the history of sportspersons, clubs, championships, etc.

Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, commemorated 25 years since the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.

As a result of the 25th anniversary of the Olympics, Bach visited Barcelona to relive, with its citizens, those magical moments which transformed the city.

2017 judges’ decision in the 8th Barcelona Olympic Foundation International Art on Paper Awards

The jury, consisting of Romà Arranz, teacher at the Escola Massana Centre for Art and Design, Raquel Medina, art critic and member of Catalan and International Associations of Art Critics (ACCA-AICA), Antoni Benages, visual artist, and Juli Pernas, director of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation, has decided, after profound deliberation, that the winners of these 8th Barcelona Olympic Foundation International Art on Paper Awards are as follows:

12th General Assembly of Olympic Museums Network

Francis Gabet, Director of the Culture and Patrimony Department of the International Olympic Committee, welcomed the representatives of the different Olympic and/or Sports Museums from all over the world.

After the presentation of the annual innovations of each museum and the guideline’s contrast in work groups of exhibitions, Education/activities, collection, etc., this new edition has given special attention to the Agenda 2020 and to the collaboration of Panasonic and Olympic Channel, which this year has come up with a great presence in the social networks.

The great contributions of Barcelona’92

The first session of the History Workshop this year, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona’92 Olympics, was held in the presence of Manel Vila, Andreu Clapés, Josep Roca and José Cuervo.

The Catalan Sport Foundation grants an award to the Barcelona Olympic Foundation for its work in disseminating the values of sport

Espai Endesa was the setting chosen by the Catalan Sport Foundation for this first ceremony to recognise the winners of the “Sport Awards”.

Opening Ceremony of the BCN Sports Film Festival 2017

The Olympic and Sports Museum Joan Antoni Samaranch has been the headquarter for the Opening Ceremony of the BCN Sports Film Festival which has been presided by David Escudé, President of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation and Sports commissioner in Barcelona’s town hall; Alejandro Blanco, COE President and Franco Ascani FICTS President.

The Art on Paper exhibition at the Corte Inglés Àmbit Cultural gallery

Art and sport came together once again this year at the Corte Inglés Àmbit Cultural gallery Portal del l’Àngel with an exhibition of the entries for the Barcelona Olympic Foundation’s seventh International Art on Paper Awards.

Teamwork was the great success of the Barcelona Olympic bid and Games

The round table, consisting of Manuel Fonseca, Secretary General of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), Romà Cuyàs, Secretary of State for Sport, Josep Lluís Vilaseca, Secretary for Sport and Enric Truñó, City Councillor for Sport (all of whom were in post during Barcelona’s bid), with Juli Pernas as moderator, emphasised that the key to success was the commitment of the various sectors involved.

11th Olympic Museums Network General Assembly

The International Meeting of World Olympic Museums is organized annually by the Olympic Museum of Lausanne, in an effort to generate synergies among the various Olympic Museums throughout the world that are members of the Olympic Museum Network, under the sponsorship of the IOC.

The IOC grants a credential to those museums that comply with the established organizational norms, as indicated from Lausanne. The Olympic Museum located in Barcelona, known as Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch, is one of the 27 official museums in the world.