Forum 2009 covered the subject of sports and immigration. The speakers showed a number of existing realities found within Spain, and above all, they explained the action plans being undertaken in those areas to promote integration through sports. Consuelo Asins, technician at the Hospitalet City Hall office for Social Wellbeing provided details about the program known as “Bellugant-nos” which seek interaction between immigrant and local women in Hospitalet by practicing sports. The common objective is to achieve the placement and interaction of immigrant children through sports in two very different realities, Barcelona and Cordoba. Jose Luís Velasco, director of the Fundació L’Esport Escolar (Foundation for School Sports) in Barcelona, presented the program, “Sports make us equal” and José María Prieto underlined the key point of the “Integrated program: sports and immigration in Cordoba.” The conclusions were offered by Susanna Soler, a teacher at the Catalonian Institute for Physical Education (INEFC) Romà Cuyàs president of the Organizing Committee concluded the 8th Olympic Forum. The Fundació Barcelona Olímpica web site, as organizers of the event, has uploaded the speeches for all those who are interested in reading them.